Extramarital Affairs Astrological Remedies
Extramarital Affairs Astrological Remedies, Extramarital affairs are a common matter of discussion nowadays. The details about secret love affairs in astrology can help you in identifying the reasons behind extramarital affairs. Not only this, you can find remedies for secret love affairs in astrology. There can be many reasons for secret love affairs in astrology that people blindly ignore. But if identified, these reasons can save your marriage. Dominance of Rahu and rise in power in Kalyug society are the two reasons for secret love affairs in astrology.
Reasons for Secret Love Affairs in Astrology
Early marriage is one of the reasons that may result into affairs. Finding the solution of these types of secret love affairs in astrology can be helpful. If marriage has happened due to wrong reasons, it may cause extra marital affairs. Other than this, loving someone before marriage can be the reason for again having an affair with that lover.
Identify this case of secret love affairs in astrology if it may not be about your husband. If you have no mental and emotional compatibility with your husband, he may try to seek love outside. You can identify this reason of secret love affairs in astrology very well. All these reasons about secret love affairs in astrology can resolve your love life or marriage life problems.
It has been accepted universally that positions of planets govern human activities. According to some facts about secret love affairs in astrology, people who are born in Jyaistha, Ashara and Agrayan can have love affairs. Those who are born in Chaitra can have love affair at the age of marriage. As per secret love affairs in astrology, other people may also have extramarital affairs according to their planet configurations.
Planets Responsible for Extramarital Affairs
Positions of planets can be helpful in determining reasons and finding solutions of extramarital affairs. It is very easy to blame a person but we should also consider astrological reasons. Since there is a connection of astrological bodies with illegal relations, there are planets responsible for extramarital affairs in astrology. Following are the planets responsible for extramarital affairs:
Jupiter: Jupiter is the planet that signifies marriage of a woman. It resembles religion and goodness. It is not like other planets responsible for extramarital affairs as it prevents you to flirt. However, if this planet is weak, you may have extra marital affair.
Mars: Mars is the planet that rules for sexual expression
Rahu: Rahu planet is responsible for extreme level of mental tendencies
Venus: Venus planet signifies marriage of a man and emotional love. It is a planet of love and basic driver of exotic relationships. Venus is one of the planets responsible for extramarital affairs if it has combination with mars or if it is hyper active. Venus with Uranus will let the person have affairs to satisfy sexual obsessions.
5th House: 5th House primarily indicates affairs. Venus and Rahu, planets responsible for extramarital affairs, in the 5th position can cause affairs. Mars and Venus in the 5th house can also cause extramarital affairs.
7th House: 7th House is an indicator of marriage and harmony. If you have strong 7th house, it means that you will never have extramarital affairs.
8th House: 8th House indicates whether the affairs would be physical or not
12th House/Lord: 12th House is an indicator of bed pleasure
Rahu and Ketu are two shadow planets. These are the planets responsible for extramarital affairs in the positions of 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th. This is a sure indicator of having extramarital affairs. If Rahu, one of the planets responsible for extramarital affairs, is in 7th house, the woman will bring ill-repute to family. If Ketu, one of the other planets responsible for extramarital affairs, is in 7th house, the person will have an unhappy marriage.
There is a prediction about the planets responsible for extramarital affairs according to their position in 7th house. If the planet Sun is in 7th house, he will be a person of degraded morality. His spouse can have dubious character. If moon is in 7th house, the person will be oversexed. These positions of the planets responsible for extramarital affairs signify that he will like wives of others. And if Ketu is in 7th house, the person is an evil doer with attraction towards widows.
How to Check for Extramarital Affairs in Kundli
Do you wonder whether you can predict if you will have extramarital affairs or not? Well, the answer lies in details about extramarital affairs in kundli. It is possible to accurately predict affairs in the horoscope or kundli. You can come to know any kinds of details about affairs in your kundli. With extramarital affairs in kundli, you can find out if you are likely to have an affair. You can also predict if you will have more than one affairs or not.
Above all, through the extramarital affairs in kundli, you see the reason of affairs as well. You can get to know whether you will get a true lover or a cheater. Through the horoscope charts, extramarital affairs in kundli can be predicted. Venus, Mars, Scorpion, Libra, 5th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house are used for predicting extramarital affairs in kundli.
The position of 7th Lord in the houses also determines extramarital affairs in kundli. If 7th Lord is in 3rd house and afflicted, male person may have relationships with his brother’s wife. However if the person is female, she may have relationships with her sister’s brother according to extramarital affairs in kundli. If 7th Lord is in 4th house and afflicted by nodes, the person’s wife may have suspicious character.
If 7th Lord lies in 5th house and afflicted, the person’s wife may deliver someone’s child. As per the extramarital affairs in kundli, if 7th Lord is in 6th house, afflicted and has weak Venus, the person may be impotent. His wife may deny him marital pleasures. Other than this, 7th Lord in the 11th house signifies that the person may marry twice. According to the extramarital affairs in kundli, for Libra, if malefic planet has its position in 7th house, the person shows hunger towards the opposite sex.